Monday 9 November 2009

The 2009/10 pay award

SR has stated that due to the economic situation she has been advised to award a 1% pay increase to all DVC staff (the AoC has recommended 1.5% and this has been accepted by all unions exept UCU). SR proposes to offer 1.5% - but in order to do this it would have to be paid from January (so it would be 1% in real terms). The proposed package would be 1.5% to all staff (or £250 whichever is more) from January 2010! However, this is only a proposal at the moment and will firstly have to be presented to the ‘Pay and Renumeration’ meeting (17th November) for approval then to a finance meeting and finally recommended to the board of governors.

UCU regional representatives and I will be meeting SR and TD to discusss rationalisation to the new pay scale on 13th (Friday). This is a continuation of the IOU campaign (the 2004 AoC recommendation not implemented by SR at DVC). DVC UCU are now in dispute with management at DVC regarding the recent National pay award. SR has made it quiet clear that the meeting on the Friday will make NO difference to the present situation.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Latest News 03/11/09

The dispute over the increasing use and abuse of associate teachers/instructors at Barnsley College has led to a strike on Tues. November 3rd and Thursday November 5th. The first of the days is an open evening so it will hit the College hard.

You can send pledges of financial support to Dave Gibson who can be contacted on 01226 205346 (or by email) or send donations to: Barnsley College UCU, c/o 33 Western Street, Barnsley S70 2BT. Barnsley College UCU has been tremendously boosted by a donation of £500 from Barnsley NUT and has a target of £3000 to meet to support members through these days of strike.

Solidarity will be a key to success.

The National pay ballot timetable will not include IOU colleges (Dearne Valley is one of them) given that there was already a mandate for these branches to take action and that action on the pay claim and the IOU claim would be coordinated.

Talks are beginning at Askham Bryan on the 5th Nov, LCAD on the 6th Nov and here at Dearne Valley on the 13th Nov.

I obviously don't know what the outcome will be here but no progress has been made at Doncaster (redundancy consultations on going) and Rotherham.

I will attend a meeting of IOU branch officers on Wednesday 18th November at 4-30 at Doncaster College to report back on the talk mentioned above and discuss further IOU action.
All this could mean DVC UCU looking at Action Short of Strike as well as possible further strike days between now and end of January when the national pay ballot result is known.